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来源: 英语语法网栏目: 代词

在通常情况下,作为及物动词,它的宾语可以根据句意的需要来确定,比如 cut:

She cut the apple pie into six pieces. 她把苹果馅饼切成6份。

Please cut this piece of string. 请剪断这根绳子。

Don't cut the wood. 别劈这块木头。

The water was cut for 2 hours yesterday. 昨天停水两小时。

The wheat has been cut. 小麦已经收割。

My neighbour cut my hair for free. 我的邻居免费给我理发。

He cut his speech because it was too long. 他缩短他的演说,因为太长了。

We have to cut our expenses to save money. 我们为了省钱必须削减费用。

但是,如果 cut 的主语与宾语指的是同一个人或同一个事物,那么其后则只能接反身代词作宾语,而不能用宾格代词(me, him, her等),如以下各句中的反身代词均不能换成宾格代词:

She cut herself in the kitchen. 她在厨房中割伤了自己。

She cut herself through carelessness. 她因不小心而割伤了自己。

He cut himself on a piece of broken glass. 他被一块破玻璃片割伤了。

He cut himself loose from the constraints of family life. 他摆脱了家庭生活的束缚。

Be careful not to cut yourself with the knife. 你要小心别让刀子割了自己。


