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来源: 英语语法网栏目: 代词


疑问代词就是用于引出特殊疑问句的代词,如 who, what, which, whose 等。如:

Who won the men's finals in the tennis? 谁赢了男子网球决赛?

Who's doing the food for your party? 谁为你的派对准备食品?

What time is the next bus due? 下一班公车什么时候来?

What was her explanation for why she was late? 她是如何解释她迟到的原因的?

Which minister carries responsibility for the police? 哪位部长负责警察部门?

Which graduates command the highest salaries? 哪些毕业生可以得到最高的薪水?

Whose stupid idea was this? 这是谁的蠢主意?

Whose name is after yours on the list? 名单上谁的名字排在你的后面?



I really don't know what all the fuss is about. 我真不知道这么大惊小怪到底是怎么回事。

Tell me what happened—start at the beginning. 告诉我发生了甚么事——从头说起。

I don't know what finally decided her, but she agreed. 我不知道是什么让她最终拿定了主意,但她还是同意了。

He quickly assessed what alternatives were open to him. 他迅速估计了一下他有哪些办法可以采用。

It was several minutes before we realised what was happening. 几分钟以后我们才明白发生了什么事情。

He revealed who leaked a confidential police report. 他说出了泄露警方机密报告内容的人。


